Hey folks, the rewards for SRS GP are pretty substantial already but I've decided to add a few other perks. For first, second and third place there will be a new role as shown here
3rd Place receives SRS Epic Adventurer, currently assigned to Zab - 750 Crowns 2nd place receives SRS Grand Adventurer, currently assigned to Mike - 1500 Crowns
1st place receives SRS legendary Adventurer, currently assigned to Irwin - 3000 Crowns
These will rotate for each SRS GP season, Winter through Autumn. RANKS
Ranks have been updated to the adventurer status as follows:
Legendary Adventurers, Grand Adventurers and Epic Adventurers
Each season only one person will have the legendary, grand and epic adventurer rank, this equates to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the SRS Game Points results (SRSGP)
Those in places 4 to 10 will be an Associate Adventurer. Those who took part in something but didn't make it to the top 10 will be Apprentice Adventurers.
Long-time guild members who haven't taken part will be known as Regulars. New recruits are people who have recently joined the guild, after a couple of weeks they will be promoted to Regulars or removed if they don't fit for some weird reason. Banking Access To gain access to Guild Bank items you must be an Apprentice Adventurer or higher. This is to ensure that people who get involved and take part can benefit from the generous donations our members make to the guild bank. Most people who take part won't notice any difference in their banking rights and if you are reading this that's probably you. Regulars most likely won't be reading this and may find they can no longer access the bank, the answer for them is simple, get involved if you want to withdraw items. There is only one person currently assigned as an Admin, and that's our long-time member Shaun (by the way, take a look at his house, it's mighty impressive).
hope these changes will stimulate some more activity within the guild. I have also removed anyone who has not logged in for 12 months or more, we are now down from 146 to 76 members, some people hadn't logged in for 5 years! I think it's clear they are not coming back. Please try to recruit new members if you can, everyone except new recruits can invite.
Have fun Mathius Mordred Guild Master