SRS Guild Points

How it works
SRS Guild Points are awarded whenever you participate in any Skyrim Red Shirts event inside The Elder Scrolls Online. Different events will reward different amounts of GP.
GP is awarded at the end of the month and end of the year
​The top five players will receive rewards at the end of the month. Monthly scores will be reset to zero. A yearly points score is also be available to view on the leaderboard.
The rewards are as follows:
Monthly for 2025
1st place - 2 million Gold
2nd place - 1 million Gold
3rd place - 500,000 Gold
4th place - 250,000 Gold
5th place - 125,000 Gold
6th to 10th 20K gold each
Yearly (in addition to December's monthly prizes)
1st place - 10 million Gold
2nd place - 5 million Gold
3rd place - 2.5 million Gold
4th place - 1.25 million Gold
5th place - 500,000 Gold
6th to 10th 100K gold each
GP Leaderboard
Guild Points Live is listed under the events menu here
Participating in Events
All events are listed in our Discord events section. There are regular daily events and some weekly. Remember that team sizes are limited, so click the interested check mark on each event you wish to participate in or you may miss your place as teams are formed on a first come first served basis. If you have stated you are interested and don't show up online you will lose your place, we will not wait for you. However, please note we can run up to 3 teams or 12 players concurrently, some of the teams may be made up of Pugs.
Who can log the events?
Anyone can choose to log the event, just let your team mates you are going to log it so it's not either logged twice or not logged at all. See the video below to see how to use the event logging tool
How much GP can you earn per event?
The amount of GP varies depending on the duration and/or the difficulty of the event.
Current Event Set with listed amounts of GP
Abyssal Geysers - 10 GP
Arx Corinium - 10 GP
Bal Sunnar - 30 GP
Bastion Nymic - 20 GP
Battlegrounds - 15 GP
Bedlam Veil -30 GP
Black Drake Villa - 30 GP
Black Rose Prison Arena - 70 GP
Blackheart Haven - 15 GP
Blessed Crucible -15 GP
Bloodroot Forge - 30 GP
Castle Thorn - 30 GP
City of Ash I - 10 GP
City of Ash II - 15 GP
Coral Aerie - 45 GP
Cradle of Shadows - 25 GP
Craglorn World Bosses - 5 GP
Crypt of Hearts I - 10 GP
Crypt of Hearts II - 15 GP
Craglorn World Bosses - 5 GP
Dark Anchors - 3 GP
Darkshade Caverns I - 10 GP
Darkshade Caverns II - 15 GP
Depths of Malatar - 30 GP
Direfrost Keep - 15 GP
Dragon Hunts - 10 GP
Dragon Star Arena - 75 GP
Earthen Root Enclave - 40 GP
Elden Hollow I - 10 GP
Elden Hollow II - 15 GP
Falkreath Hold - 25 GP
Fang Lair - 30 GP
Frostvault - 30 GP
Fungal Grotto I - 8 GP
Fungal Grotto II - 10 GP
Graven Deep - 40 GP
Harrowstorms - 15 GP
Icereach - 30 GP
Imperial City Prison - 25 GP
Infinite Archive 20 GP per session
Lair of Maarselok - 30 GP
March of Sacrifices - 30 GP
Moon Hunter Keep - 30 GP
Oathsworn Pit - 40 GP
Red Petal Bastion - 40 GP
Ruins of Mazzatun - 30 GP
Scalecaller Peak - 30 GP
Scrivener's Hall - 35 GP
Selene's Web - 20 GP
Shipwright's Regret - 40 GP
Spindleclutch I - 10 GP
Spindleclutch II - 20 GP
Stone Garden - 40 GP
Tempest Island - 15 GP
The Banished Cells I - 10 GP
The Banished Cells II - 15 GP
The Cauldron - 30 GP
The Dread Cellar - 30 GP
Unhallowed Grave - 30 GP
Vaults of Madness - 20 GP
Volcanic Vents - 10 GP
Volenfell - 15 GP
Wayrest Sewers I - 10 GP
Wayrest Sewers II - 15 GP
White-Gold Tower - 25 GP
World Base Zone Bosses - 3 GP
World DLC Zone Bosses - 5 GP
Mirrormoor Incursion - 10GP
Oblivion Portal - 10 GP
Each day there are a choice of three SRS Endeavours to choose from, these are shown on the home page and also on the event logging tool. Choosing one of the endeavours will reward you with 100 additional guild points over and above the 300 cap per day, so they are well worth doing.
Guild Point Reporting
You can use the Event tool to log the data, see the instructions on that page. Here is a video explaining how to use the event tool.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

These are taken from the general rules found here
Section 2.1 Guild Points (GP)
All Guild Points must be entered via the Guild Points Tool found here
Only events that the tool can offer you are available for GP
If you think an event is rewarded too highly or not highly enough contact an officer to discuss or post on discord
When you enter an event you have to digitally sign for the event, this means what you are posting is accurate and truthful and you put your name to this.
Every event is logged in real-time to a sheet you cannot see, so it is easy for me to check who has done what and where. A bot that scans the store also takes screenshots of the roster every 5 minutes this includes locations of members, so it's easy to see if someone is in a dungeon they claim to be in and with whom, should any investigation be required.
In order to access the GP Tool and the Leaderboard Live you are required to be signed in to the website as this is a members-only tool.
To use the tool you have to permit Google to access your account when running scripts, this sounds ominous but it's not, it's to prevent malicious scripts from accessing your data. The javascript used in the tool are simple scripts designed for moving data from one sheet to another. The full code of the scripts is available in the #website section of the Discord, you can see it does nothing but access the sheet. There are three scripts to allow in total, one for uploading the points, one for creating a new player and one for undoing the last update should you make a mistake.
After an investigation, anyone found to be deliberately adding events which they didn't do in order to gain a GP advantage (in other words cheating) will be removed from the guild regardless of their position.
Mistakes can happen no matter how foolproof a developer thinks their system is. If you think you've made a mistake and can't Undo it, send the details to or DM on Discord to @mathius_mordred