Our new Month Long Competition to win up to One million Gold ENDED

The Winners are:
1st place - 1 million Gold - Teachersleight
2nd place - 1 million Gold - Nina Niniumwyn
3rd place - 1 million Gold - Fluffy Pumpkin
4th place - 500K Gold - Grettal
5th place - 250K Gold - Lethal2k Congratulations to all, and thanks for trying.
The flickering candlelight cast long, dancing shadows across the worn pages of the ancient tome. Amalvid's heart pounded in her chest as she deciphered the spidery Daedric script, each word sending a chill down her spine. Dav Am Al, the infamous necromancer, had finally found it – the resting place of *******, the most powerful mage the Telvanni peninsula had ever known. Amalvid looked around the foul place, the hideout of Dav Am Al, a small cave like hollow, it's walls dripping with rancid slime, spider webs glistening in the flickering candle light, the air thick with the odour of decay. She turned again to the book, the numbers she had found on the long lost tablet had worked, she had used them to decipher the name and now she knew where to go.
*******, a name whispered in hushed tones, a legend shrouded in fear and awe. He was a master of forbidden magic, a necromancer who defied the Tribunal and nearly brought Morrowind to its knees centuries ago. His death was a blessing, but now, Dav Am Al sought to undo that blessing, to unleash a power that could shatter the fragile peace of the land.
The book, a testament to Dav Am Al's twisted obsession, contained not only the location of *******'s hidden tomb but also a ritual, a dark incantation designed to wrench the Arch-Mage's soul from Oblivion's embrace and bind it to Dav Am Al's will. The thought of such power in the hands of a madman sent shivers down her spine. She had to stop him.
With the name burning in her mind, she knew what she had to do, travel to ****** and once and for all destroy the grave sight of *******, before Dav Am Al could get there and utter his evil spells. Perhaps it was already too late, perhaps Dav Am Al had already set off for the site or even reached it and even now was plotting and scheming with ******, no matter Amalvid had to try. She turned, avoiding the slaughter fish traps and headed towards the exit. The knife was sharp, it pierced Amalvid's heart instantly killing her, the last thing she saw was the glowing eyes of Dav Am Al looking down on her as she collapsed onto the soaking floor, her body being ripped apart by the frenzied slaughterfish even before her eyes closed for the final time.
How to Play
Eww, that went south quickly didn't it, let's hope you'll have more luck!
You will play the part of Amalvid, our unfortunate hero who met her end in Dav Am Al's hideout.
1. Find Dav Am Al's hideout. We know only that it is in the Guild Village somewhere. But be warned, there are probably deadly traps as you approach.
2. Once you find the hideout, and if you manage to survive inside, you need to find the name. Our hero Amalvid, in the story above, deciphered the code to reveal the name of "the most powerful mage the Telvanni peninsula had ever known". Sadly before she could locate the grave Dav Am Al viciously killed her, her rotting remains can still be seen in the hideout today. The only clue we have is this tablet that our hero found.
From that tablet, Amalvid found a list of numbers as follows:
She was convinced that something in Dav Am Al's hideout would allow her to find out the name she needed.
As she is now dead, it's up to you to complete our hero's mission.
3. Once you have deciphered the name, use your intelligence to find out the location of this grave. Go there and take a screenshot of your character next to the grave and a screenshot of the actual gravestone, then send that to me.
You can send your screenshots to me via Discord @matt johnson, or email stopdavamal@timeless-moments.co.uk
If you are successful you will be entered into the draw and here are the prizes: 1st place - 1 million Gold
2nd place - 1 million Gold
3rd place - 1 million Gold
4th place - 500K Gold
5th place - 250K Gold The competition ends on Friday 8th November at 9pm UTC. Please do NOT post images of the gravestone on discord or anywhere else, doing so will end the competition immediately. Good luck and have fun. Matt