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SRS News Week 5

Using the Magic Carpet Addon to view the Guild Village
Using the Magic Carpet Addon to view the Guild Village

Hi everyone

It's a really busy time at SRS with tons of events (recently passing 2000 recorded events since November), duelling, Cyrodiil, Trials, Dungeons, builds and a full roster. Coupled with all the events going on in ESO there is always something to do. Here is the news for the current week starting with the rewards for January Janurary Guild Points Rewards 1st Teachersleight with 11,980 Points, winning 2 million Gold

2nd Gurettal with 10,644 Points, winning 1 million Gold

3rd Fubariss with 9,770, winning 500K Gold

4th Mathius_Mordred with 5,760 Points, winning 250K Gold

5th Moneoo with 4,094 Points winning 125K Gold

6th to 10th place win 20K Gold and they are 6th Foxylord

7th Digital5hadow

8th Alternant

9th LordOvega

10th Loxicity These scores are added to the year long running total with the mega prize of 10M gold still up for grabs at the end of the year. The month has now reset for February, so don't forget to log your guild points whenever you do any event with at least one more guild member.

Well done everyone, great to see so many people taking part, we currently have 180 people from the guild actively taking part in our events. Skingrad Trader

We have secured a Skingrad Trader in West Weald. This should be a good spot and I have also bid on every trader in Skingrad for next week too. At the time of writing we have sold 15 million which is 6 million more than last week at Bleakrock Isle and we still have nearly 4 days to go. So please fill your trading slots and make the most of this trader. Bid cost 6,234,567 Gold.

New Officers

We have two new officer promotions this month, these are Teachersleight and Fubaris. Both are very knowledgeable and great at the game, feel free to reach out to either of them or any other officer should you have any questions about the game.

Duelling Results

1st place Mathius Mordred in Werewolf Form 400K Reward 2nd place Joel (Dr Death) 200K reward 3rd place Gurettal 100K reward Raffle Results Rheena 1-2 Cinnywen 3-4 Azurefishblue 5 BluefrogPrince 6-7 Cealla 8 Jrock178 9-13 Fancyspoon 14-19 Vicarof Pizza 20-21 Izalon 22-26 Wheazy 27-36 Cinnywen 37-41 Below 42 Ziutu 43-45 Vintorez 46-47 Ahrvanas 48-62 Arrow 63-64 Pantiebandit 65 Mike 66 Dworkman 67-71 Rennie 72 720K raised Winner Cinnywen with number 38 winning 360K 

Schedule For the Week

Our Guild Village, Wisteria Grove, is charting at the top end of the Recommendations List!

This is awesome guys, thanks for recommending the guild village to those who have and for those who have not yet done this, just go to the village, hit F5 and then recommend and Favourite, this makes it easier for you to get to in the future and helps boost our guild in the guild finder. The village has had some changes this week with a new Master Crafting Hall and an updated bank, here is a map to help you find everything as it's quite large now.

Master Crafting Hall
Master Crafting Hall

New Bank
New Bank

Cyrodiil Event Today! This evening our main gola will be to get to and finish all dolmens in Cyrodiil for

the achievement Anchors Away and the title Savoiur of Nirn as well as the Imperial Anchor Shatteror achievement. Earning this achievement will allow you to purchase a Broken Chain (page) for your house. It costs 50,000 Gold and can be purchased from any Fighters Guild Hall Stewards. Have a great week to all Red Shirts!

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The Elder Scrolls Online guild. Skyrim Redshirts welcomes all players on the PC EU server for social fun, trading, competitions, prizes, dungeons, PvE, PvP, trials, builds, furnishings, master crafting and more. Join Today

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