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Announcing - The Friday Raffle

Starting today, we will be holding a weekly raffle. Here's how it works.

You pay 10,000 gold per ticket into the guild bank. Each ticket is assigned a number. If you buy more tickets you get more numbers. E.G. You are the first person to buy ten tickets, you will be assigned numbers from 1 to 10. The next person would get ticket 11 and so on.

At the end of the week the winning raffle ticket will be chosen by Google RNG live on Discord.

The winner will take 50% of the pool, the rest will go towards guild funds for hiring the trader.

E.G. if we sell 100 tickets that would be 1 million gold, 500,000 gold would go to the winner and 500,000 gold would go to the guild to help towards the massive cost of hiring a trader. Some notes for perspective. Hiring a gild trader costs on average 3 million gold per week. If we have a good week of trading we may earn in the guild 200,000 gold from the trader as a house cut, so the entire operation is run at a massive loss. The money to hire the trader mostly comes from me selling my crowns to buy gold. I don't mind this, it's my hobby and I can afford to do it, the trader is an important resource for the guild and helps to recruit more members. It will be easier when we have 500 members, but with 120 members, it's a struggle. So to start, deposit gold for tickets in the guild bank. Do this at any bank in the game, at the banker, select Guild Bank, make sure you are looking at the Skyrim Red Shirts guild and then deposit 10K per ticket. We can see who donated what and when from the guild bank history, so don't worry, we will know that you have bought tickets.

The first draw will be next Friday 23rd at 9pm, so you have until then to buy tickets.

The results will be posted the next day on this website in the news section and on Discord.

Any tickets purchased after 9 pm on a Friday will count for the following week's raffle.

Good luck.

NOTE: If you deposit amounts that are not increments of 10,000 gold it will be seen as a donation not a raffle ticket purchase. E.G you deposit 69560 gold, that would be a donation, but 70000 gold would be 7 raffle tickets.

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