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SRS Game Points

How it works


SRS Game Points are awarded every time you participate in any SRS game event in our supported games. At the moment these are The Elder Scrolls Online and Star Trek Online. Different events will reward different amounts of GP.




GP is awarded per season, these are as follows:


Winter season runs from December 21st until March 21st

Spring Season runs from March 21st to June 21st

Summer Season runs from June 21st until September 21st

Autumn season runs from September 21st until December 21st


The top five players will receive rewards at the end of the season. Scores will be reset to zero at the end of each season.


The rewards are as follows and you may choose your reward from either game (eg if you mostly play ESO and get the first place you can choose the ESO reward or the STO reward):


For Elder Scrolls Online


1st place - 3000 Crowns

2nd place - 1500 Crowns

3rd place - 750 Crowns 

4th place - 500,000 gold

5th place - 250,000 gold


For Star Trek Online


1st place - 500 million EC

2nd place - 250 million EC

3rd place - 125 million EC

4th place - 60 million EC

5th place - 30 million EC


GP Leaderboard


You can see the GP leaderboard on our Discord and our Facebook page. I may add it to the website at some point in the future if I can figure out a way of linking it dynamically. Scores are posted on both platforms at the weekend.


Participating in Events


All events are listed in our events section of Discord. There are regular daily events and some weekly. Remember that team sizes are limited, so click the interested check mark on each event you wish to participate in or you may miss your place as teams are formed on a first come first served basis. If you have stated you are interested and don't show up online you will lose your place, we will not wait for you.


How much GP can you earn per event?


The amount of GP varies depending on the duration and/or the difficulty of the event.


Currently, all STO events are worth 10 GP each.


ESO Events:


Normal Dungeon - 10 GP

Veteran Dungeon - 20 GP

Veteran Dungeon - Hard Mode - 30 GP

Normal Trial - 30 GP

Veteran Trial - 60 GP

Veteran Trial - Hard Mode - 80 GP

Veteran Trial - Hard Mode +1, +2, +3 and additional 20 GP per + option

PvP Cyrodill - 30 GP per hour you play

Exploration 30 GP per hour played

Dragon Hunts - 10 GP

Questing - 30 GP per hour

Other activities will be decided upon at the time and added to this list.



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