Hi everyone Sorry it's a bit late this week, I've been super busy at work. In the future these blogs will go out on Saturday mornings when I have more time. TRADER - Again we are at Bleackrock Isle, seems like a reasonable place. We are listing around 20 pages of items, that's just over 2000 items consistently. If we can get that up to 40 pages I will then go after the larger traders again otherwise it's not worth the money and 9M a week is a lot to find. RAFFLE - The raffle last week was won by PiumSofium winning 475K gold, our biggest raffle to date. The raffle helps us place bids for traders and supports event prizes. To buy a ticket deposit 10K gold in the guild bank per ticket you want to buy, so if you want 5 tickets deposit 50K. If you wish to donate make sure it's not a multiple of 10K otherwise it will be treated as a raffle ticket purchase, so if you want to donate 50K then donate 50,001 and it will be understood to be a donation. TRIALS - We have had some great trials with full guild runs, the last being a really fun Sanity's Edge, what we really need are some tanks, so if any of you are wondering what role to roll next, make it a tank! WOLF PACK EVENTS - We could do with some more werewolves for this event, ideally we'd love to run a simple trial just as wolves, we have 5 or 6 consistently so if you fancy a dose of Lycanthropy, shout up in guild chat for a bite! Don't forget these events give you an additional 50 Guild Points.

GUILD CHURCH to MERIDIA - This is now finished and I really enjoyed building this based around the statue we could buy recently. I would like to build more buildings in the village but as always the item cap is getting in the way. If you like the village why not give it a recomendation, it helps boost guild awareness in the community and could help us get new members.
A KICKING WE WILL GO - If you haven't logged in for a while, please check the Upcoming Removals channel in Discord to see if you are on the list, if you are and want to stay in the guild just login once, make sure your status is set to ONLINE, otherwise it will appear as if you haven't logged in. People come and people go, it's the nature of MMOs, in some ways it's sad to see people leave but it's also fun to meet new people and hear their stories. I am constantly recruiting so we are always near our cap of 500, so if you have been kicked or left in the past and would like to come back let me know immediately and we should be able to squeeze you in.
Events for the week
