Trader We have once again one our spot in Riften, 4 weeks running, this is a good spot and brings us a lot of trades. Donations to help the cost are appreciated, if you can't donate then please buy raffle tickets. Winning bid amount 6,123,456. Trading Results 1-8th October

Raffle Results: The raffle last Friday was won by: Cinnywen with number 23 winning 180K
Mount Race: The Monday mount race was run through Wrothgar and was won by Alex (Archmage_Summoner), with Creamhole coming second and Alex (Alternant) in 3rd place. 100K, 50K and 25K prizes.
Skywalk Competition The Skywalk competition was won by Davewavey who wins 1 million gold
The rest of the placings were as follows: 1st Place Daveywavey
2nd Kanyou
3rd Wheayyz Finally thanks to all those who took part:
Fluffy Pumpkin
The Doctor
Alex (Spanish)
Cinnywen316 STOP Dav Am Al
Our latest month long competition is under way. Please see the dedicated news blog for this competition and how you can win 1 million gold

We had a very successful run last Wednesday and Sunday running the Aetherian Archive, Kynes, Aegis, Cloudrest and Hel Ra Citidel, don't miss the next trials starting this Wednesday with Maw of Lorkhaj and Sunday with Sanctum Ophidia. As always if time allows we will run other trials during the evening.
