Multi-bidding - What a mess! Awesome Guild Trader Secured! Due to a massive cock-up last night the new multi-bidding system was totally borked. Most top trading guilds lost their spot then got locked, only those who lost their bids were free to hire for 10K anywhere else.
We were fortunate enough to "lose" and were then able to hire a top spot in Daggerfall. If you are also in a serious trader guild and they don't have a spot or it's rubbish, shift your items to sell over to Red Shirts, we are shifting stuff very fast and will soon run out!
We also got a massive refund of Gold which we have now laundered and is ready for next week's trading spot. The Thieves Guild would be proud.
SO GET SELLING, prices are going really high at the moment as there are not many big guilds selling.
Book competition The winners are 1st place with 500K is PK 2nd place with 100K is RagingBull 3rd place with 50K is Shattren69 Congratulations folks. CRAFTING CHANGES
Crafting via the website will now be only for level CP160.
Prices if you supply mats
White gear - 10K to guild
Epic gear - 20K to guild
Legendary - 50K to guild
If we supply mats you will be given a price before crafting begins. Payment is in advance, nothing is made until payment/mats received.
RECRUITMENT - You may all invite people to the guild at any time.
TRIALS - Resume on 3/9/19