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Rangeringen av Scout i Skyrim Red Shirts är mycket viktig och vi letar för närvarande efter cirka 5 scouts.


Som speider är du ansvarig för att rekrytera nya besättningskamrater från hela Tamriel. Du har tillgång till att lägga till personer i guilden och redigera medlemsanteckningar. Du kanske gör så mycket eller så lite rekrytering som möjligt, men för att behålla rang bör du sträva efter 10 medlemmar per vecka. Att bli en scout är det första steget att röra sig upp i rangerna mot viceadmiral och evig härlighet!


Endast fullständiga medlemmar (Mates) och högre kan ansöka.

Om du vill bli scout ska du ansöka nedan:

Du kommer också att få direkt tillgång till guildbanken (gräns på 10 artiklar per dag) utan att behöva fylla i en begäran om uttag av bank som en Scout som ger dig ditt mål om 10 medlemmar i veckan.

Under en begränsad tid kan nya scouter vinna en komplett uppsättning hantverksstationer för sitt hus, se den här länken för mer

Application for Scout

Your application has been sent, thank you.

How to be a Scout

Recruitment Guide

You may use this text or similar to recruit in the zone chat, just copy and paste it into the game (leave the H1 code as this links directly to the guild finder)

Join |H1:guild:544048|hSkyrim Red Shirts|h for easy-going casual and fun events daily, no pressure, no drama, no elitism. We offer build advice and our events are listed on discord, we have a stocked guild hall, prizes,  website Apply or whisper if you want to join in the fun.

People will either apply using the link to the guild (that's what the H1:guild:544048 is) or whisper to you.

If they apply you will get a notification, just accept the player or if for some reason you don't like the look of that player you can reject the application. Once you accept it they will almost immediately join the guild. Then you should welcome them to the guild in guild chat.

If they whisper to you then you need to go to the guild page (default is "G"), select the roster page and then "Add member" (default key is E). You need to type the first few letters of their name in the box that opens and a drop down list of players will appear, select the name and then add to the guild. Once they join (you are notified) welcome them to the guild.

Once a player has joined, open up the member notes of that new player in the roster and simply type the date in Day:Month:Year format, e.g. 01/06/19, your name as the recruiter and save.

They will then be promoted after 3 days in the guild. Promotion may also be added to the Scout role, we are considering this.

When you have recruited about 5 to 10 people then past the following into Guild chat:

Paste 1:

Welcome to all the recruits. If any of you have any questions please ask here. The MOTD has most of the useful information, including www links. You will be promoted to full member after a few days. Feel free to form groups in this chat for any event. Enjoy your time with SRS. To type in guild chat use /guild1 or if this is your second, /guild2

Paste 2:

To enter competitions, just register on our website, a new competition is coming soon -


You may use a different method but please ensure you add the member note so folks can be promoted at the right time and you receive your rewards.


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