Selling 101

As often as possible we will try to have a guild trader. This is not always possible as we may be outbid. On average we are paying between 2 and 3 million gold for a guild trader but even that is not always enough. Traders change hands on Tuesdays at 2 pm GMT.
Sell as much as you can and keep slots updated after selling. To sell, simply go to any banker in any town, choose the SRS guild store, then list your items. Choose the price you want to sell it for and you're done. To check current prices we highly recommend using the Tamriel Trade Centre addon, check the addon page for more details. You can also search for a specific item's price here
To make the most of the trader, check out our guide on making gold in ESO
Arkadius' Trade Tools
This useful addon will show you what you've sold, what others are selling and for what price, find it on minion.

Tamriel Trade Centre Addon
This addon is critical to get the best prices, Take a look at this tooltip to the right. The TTC Addon adds a lot of information about the item, a suggested selling price, the average, minimum and maximum selling prices. Then it tells you on how many listings there are on all guild traders, how many actual items in those listings and then the most important number, the Sale Average price. It is this price I suggest you base your price on. If you sell slightly below the sale average you should sell.
TTC Addon Client
The Client is a small application that usually downloads with the addon but if not you can get it from the website.
The client does several things. Firstly it updates all those figures we just mentioned so you have an accurate price, it also enables you to upload to the TTC website all the contents of your guild store so that it is refreshed and appears as last seen NOW on the listings. To do this open your guild store at any banker, then in the bottom left of the screen near the chat window, you will see Scan All Listings. Click this and all the data from your guild store will be sent to the TTC website, but only after you reload the UI. So once scanning is complete you will see a confirmation box, after that type in the chat /reloadui and press enter, this will send the data. The more often people do this, the more often our guild store is updated.

Quick Reference - Steps to Sell
Get TTC from Minion or the website here, make sure you download the client which is in the Addon menu of the TTC website
Go to any banker in any town
Open the banker, choose Guild Store
Select items to sell and list them
Check your pricing with TTC
Scan All Listings
Type /reloadui
Whenever you are at a bank, even if not selling, scanning all listings will help push your gear to the front page of TTC.