Trading Results week Nov 16 to 26 Top 10 traders this week were as follows

The guild made 585K from taxes which is about 8% of the cost of the trader.
Belkarth Acquired!!!
This week, we have acquired a Belkarth Trader. This is second only to Mournhold, in my opinion, and should be an excellent week for trading. So keep all your slots full every day. Our store scanning bot is active from around 2 a.m. until 7 p.m. each day, so don't forget to scan the store during the other times.

Raffle News
Winner is number 33 Ervyonx
Don't forget to buy your raffle tickets, 10K each paid into the guild bank.
If you would rather just donate, make sure it's not a multiple of 10K, e.g. 10,001 Gold would not be seen as a raffle ticket but as a donation.
Duelling Event
This was enormous fun, we had so many laughs. It is now a regular feature on Thursdays, next year we will have a championship of sorts, for now it's just a best of three fight with winner stays on. There are prizes too, so turn up and have a go.


The SRS Wolf Pack is now a thing. If you are a dog lover and want to channel your inner rage join us for werewolf-only events. A regular one will be every Tuesday at 9pm UK time, this will reward an additional 50 Guild Points on top of the dungeon we run, but it's for werewolves only. No, we will not run Vampire-only events as vamps are too similar to normal builds. I will post an updated WW build for DPS and Tank soon, so keep an eye out for that. Werewolf events will be on longer dungeons to gain the 50 points, so we won't be doing a Fungal Grotto 1. E.G. If 4 dogs run March of sacrifices they will receive the 50 guild points for the event on Tuesdays and the normal points for MoS. Any other dungeon run during the week with dogs only, will gain the normal points. We may have multiple teams running on Tuesdays. The above scoring and events are subject to change. Welcome New Members We've had a lot of new members and the guild is maxed out around 500 members. As we add more new blood those who have been afk for longer than a month will be removed from the guild. If you want to take more than a month off please let me know. You are always welcome back of course as soon as there is space. New members, please see the FAQ and the New Member Guide Welcome to the guild, a lot is going on and it can feel overwhelming at times, just take part in the events you want to do, if you just want to chill that's fine, but remember taking part increases your chances of a reward both at month end and at the end of the year. Signups We have signups on the Discord for Wednesday Trials Sunday Trials Duelling Saturday Cyrodiil (Ebonheart Pact Only) Please make good use of these signups so you are not missing a place in your favourite event. Happy Adventuring Matt