SRS Game Points Submission Form
Please use this form to submit events for inclusion in the SRS Game Points System. You can report multiple dungeons if the team makeup is the same. If the team changes please submit another form for that team. If you have too many to list here submit further forms. Please note that points can take up to 24 hours to be added.
You are capped at 500 GP per day maximum.
To qualify for GP there must be at least two members from the guild taking part in the event including you, so you and one other or more.
If you run several dungeons and then run a random dungeon which is a repeat of the previous dungeon you cannot count the points
You must report the @UserID, do not report character names as it's impossible to find who they are and they will not receive the points.
Before every event, you must ask in guild chat if anyone else wants to join before proceeding as a two or three man team.