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Der Rang eines Scouts in Skyrim Red Shirts ist sehr wichtig und wir suchen derzeit nach ungefähr 5 Scouts.


Rolle: Pfadfinder


Als Scout bist du dafür verantwortlich, neue Crewmitglieder aus ganz Tamriel zu rekrutieren. Sie haben Zugriff darauf, der Gilde Personen hinzuzufügen und Mitgliedsnotizen zu bearbeiten. Sie können so viel oder so wenig wie möglich rekrutieren, aber um den Rang beizubehalten, sollten Sie 10 Mitglieder pro Woche anstreben. Ein Pfadfinder zu werden, ist der erste Schritt, um in den Reihen des Vizeadmirals und des ewigen Ruhms aufzusteigen!


Nur ordentliche Mitglieder (Mates) und höher können sich bewerben.

Wenn Sie ein Pfadfinder werden möchten, bewerben Sie sich bitte hier:

Sie erhalten auch direkten Zugriff auf die Gildenbank (maximal 10 Gegenstände pro Tag), ohne einen Bankabhebungsantrag als Scout ausfüllen zu müssen, sofern Sie Ihr Ziel von 10 Mitgliedern pro Woche erreichen.


Für eine begrenzte Zeit können neue Pfadfinder einen kompletten Satz von Handwerksstationen für ihr Haus gewinnen. Weitere

Informationen finden Sie unter diesem Link


You will need to be able to speak English for this role






We offer financial incentives to being a recruiter. Each new member will earn you 10,000 gold. In order to know if it was you who invited the new member you must enter a note for the new member in the roster as follows.

member note.jpg
edit note.jpg

It is important we have the date as well, please use EU/UK format, e.g. 10th August would be 10/8, not American format which is 8/10 as this is confusing.

Also you need to mail me in game who it is you've recruited, so I would have a notepad open as you make your way through the locations, when someone joins just put their @UniqueID into the notepad, when you've finished, mail the list to me in game to @mathius_mordred. I can then check the notes on the new members and send you your rewards. There is no limit to the rewards, if you recruited 100 members you would earn 1 million gold, however on each recruitment run I do I normally find two or three new members, sometimes none.

A larger guild means more sales in the trader helping us to maintain this service, it means more donations helping us to offer more facilities and most important it means more of us available at any time to take part in larger events such as trials, so by recruiting you will be helping the guild and yourself.


Anyone can recruit, you don't need to be any rank, just have a go and see what you can do. You often meet some interesting people and can strike up friendships that last for years, it's well worth the small effort involved. Good luck.

The Elder Scrolls Online guild. Skyrim Redshirts welcomes all players on the PC EU server for social fun, trading, competitions, prizes, dungeons, PvE, PvP, trials, builds, furnishings, master crafting and more. Join Today

© 2025 Skyrim Red Shirts. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved. Some footage and images are  © Zenimax Media Inc. Media is used in a not for profit fan based site encouraging new members for TESO.

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