Thanks to everyone who took part, we raised 345,000 gold. The winner was @Yoshimuro who takes 50% of the winnings. The next lottery begins NOW! Tickets still 5000 gold each, just deposit in the guild bank, you may buy as many tickets as you wish. The RNG God choose the number 57 and here is the list of entries with assigned numbers. Lottery week 1 - 1/7
Ragnar0k99 - 1-10
Andarto - 11
NapalmAmMorgen - 12-22
Lykosa - 23-26
Soup - 27
Scorp725 - 28
Luna - 29-43
Doody - 44-53
gray1960 - 54
Lozzied - 55
Lusankya - 56
Yoshimuro - 57-60
AnnRaksha - 61-62
PK - 63
Belfmagi - 64
scottierankz - 65
jstrom - 66-67
RattusMortus - 68-69