Raid Leader: @Matt Johnson
(Please be available for invite 15 minutes early, thank you.) Note: Raid leader will be passed to the tank, whoever that is, please ensure you stay behind the tank and don't rush ahead. DO NOT USE AN ICE STAFF HEAVY ATTACK UNLESS YOU ARE THE TANK (Reason: The Ice staff HA will taunt the boss and if you are standing in the main group his attack can cause the group to wipe) Guide for Asylum Sanctorium from Alcast
Main Tank - @Jack Rowan Jack-O
Off Tank/DD -
DD 1- @Matt Johnson Mathius
DD 2- @Niels Weymeis Ellaerion
DD 3- @Ω Omnipotent Maximus Mordred - with some healing
DD 4- @Snaugrim
DD 5- @dravin2 +dd @Drobbane
DD 6-
DD 7-
DD 8-
Healer 1- @Matt Doody
Healer 2- @Simon Murrow PK
Reserves - The following guide is for Veteran mode, in normal many of the mechanics are not present or so much weaker that you can ignore them.
Excellent turnout guys, very easily completed nAS and then went on to finish nCR with consumate ease. We are getting up to the point of being confident to run vet trials more.
+dd @Drobbane
+dd @Snaugrim
dd + @Maximus_Mordred
Healer + @PoignantKnight
+dd or +tank